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TNPSC - Important Questions with Answers of Insurance Related.

1. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme replace Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced in the year___
(A) 1997 
(B) 1998 
(C) 1999 
(D) 2000 
Answer: C

2. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial institution to carry out only one type of finance service. But now Banks are selling shares, Insurance companies can sell banking services. These new financial conglomerates are colloquially referred to as____
(A) Multinationals 
(B) Financial Supermarkets 
(C) Market Regulators 
(D) Brand Promoters 
Answer: B

3. Insurance service provided by various banks is commonly known as____
(A) Investment Banking (B) Portfolio Management (C) Merchant Banking (D) Bancassurance (Ans : d)

4. Which one of the following institution is related to export financing and insurance?
(C) CB
Answer: A

5. ECGC is related to___
(A) Export promotion 
(B) Export financing and insurance 
(C) Export quality certification 
(D) Export statistics publication
Answer: B

6. ‘Which of the following organisations is involved in providing the insurance against various rirks to the exportes?
(A) Reserve Bank of India 
(RBI) (B) State trading Corporation of India (STCI) 
(C) EXIM Bank 
(D) Exort Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)
Answer: C

7. In the context of independent India’s economy, which one of the following was the earliest event to take place? 
(A) Nationalization of Insurance companies 
(B) Nationalization of State Bank of India 
(C) Enactment of Banking Regulation Act 
(D) Introduction of First Five Year Plan
Answer: C

8. The biggest British capital investment in India was made in– 
(A) the tea, coffee, and indigo plantations 
(B) the railways, banking insurance, and shipping 
(C) the cotton textile industry 
(D) the jute mills
Answer: B

9. Which one of the following legislation does not deal with the protection of environment? 
(A) The Water (Cess) Act, 1977 
(B) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 
(C) The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 
(D) The Port Laws Amendment Act, 1997
Answer: A

10. Which of the following is not in the State List under the Constitution of India? 
(A) Insurance 
(B) Fisheries 
(C) Agriculture 
(D) Gambling
Answer: A

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