01. Vertebrate kidney has a following basic unit _____
(A) Nephron
(B) Ureter
(C) Malpighian tubule
(D) All of the above
Answer: A
02. In cladistics ______
(A) A clad must contain the common ancestor
(B) Derived characters help construct cladograms
(C) Data for the cladogram is presented
(D) All the above
Answer: D
03. Cross bridges, which connect the molecules of a fibril during muscle contraction, are made of_____
(A) Actin
(B) Collagen
(C) Myosin
(D) Creatine phosphate
Answer: C
04. Muscles of alimentary canal are chiefly_____
(A) Striated and neurogenic
(B) Unstriated and neurogenic
(C) Striated and myogenic
(D) Unstriated and myogenic
Answer: B
05. The photosensitive parts of rod cells are made up of _____
(A) Rhodopsin
(B) Myelin
(C) Keratin
(D) Actin
Answer: A
06. The protein which maintains the muscular storage of oxygen is _____
(A) Myosin
(B) Myoglobin
(C) Actomyosin
(D) All the above
Answer: B
07. Tiedemann’s bodies are found in _____
(A) Sponges
(B) Hydra
(C) Asterias
(D) Hirudinaria
Answer: C
08. Biogeographical regions are also called _____
(A) Zones
(B) Realms
(C) Epoch
(D) Era
Answer: B
09. Human nerve cells develop from the embryonic _____
(A) Ectoderm and mesoderm
(B) Endoderm
(C) Ectoderm
(D) Mesoderm
Answer: C
10. In a normal person at rest the cardiac output or amount of blood pumped per minute by the left ventricle is approximate _____
(A) 1/2 litre
(B) 1 litre
(C) 2 litres
(D) 5 litres
Answer: D
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