1. Unipolar neurons are found in the ________.
Spinal cord
c. Embryonic nervous tissue
Adult nervous tissue
C. Embryonic nervous tissue
2. The sensory organs contain ________.
Unipolar neuron
b. Bipolar neuron
c. Multipolar neuron
d. Medullated neutron
b. Bipolar neuron
3. The part of brain which controls emotional
reactions in our body is ________.
a. cerebellum
b. cerebrum
c. Thalamus
d. Hypothalamus
d. Hypothalamus
4. One of the following is a part of the brain
stem. Pick it out.
a. Forebrain and midbrain
b. Midbrain and hindbrain
c. Forebrain and hindbrain
d. Forebrain and spinal cord.
b. Midbrain and Hindbrain
5. Spinal nerves are _______.
a. Sensory nerves
b. Motor nerves
c. Mixed nerves
d. Innervating the brain
c. Mixed nerves
6. An endocrine gland found in the neck is
a. adrenal gland
b. Pituitary gland
c. thyroid gland
d. Pancreas.
Answer: c. thyroid gland
7. An endocrine gland which is both exocrine
and endocrine is the _________.
a. Pancreas
b. Pituitary
c. thyroid
d. adrenal
a. Pancreas
8. Normal blood glucose level in 1dl of blood
a. 80 - 100 mg / dl
b. 80 - 120 mg / dl
c. 80 - 150 mg / dl
d. 70 - 120 mg / dl
b. 80 – 120 mg / dl
9. The ‘‘T’’ lymphocytes are differentiated to
resist infection in the ________.
a. Parathyroid gland
b. lymph gland
c. thymus gland
d. adrenal gland
c. thymus gland
10. In Meiosis – I, the pairing of homologous
chromosomes take place during ________ stage.
a. leptotene
c. Pachytene
d. diplotene
b. Zygotene
11. The two systems of the human body which help
in the control and co-ordination of metabolic activities are_______.
a. digestive and circulatory
b. respiratory and circulatory
c. excretory and skeletal
d. nervous and endocrine
d. nervous and endocrine
12. Neurotransmitters are released at the synapse
by ________.
a. Tips of Dendrites
b. Synaptic Knobs
c. Organelles of Cyton
d. Myelin sheath of Axon
b. Synaptic Knobs
13. The endocrine gland related to the immune
system is ________.
a. Thyroid
b. Thymus
c. Adrenal
d. Pineal
Answer: b. Thymus
14. The hormone administered by doctors to a
pregnant women to help in childbirth during the time of natural delivery is
a. Oestrogen
b. Progesterone
c. Insulin
d. Relaxin
Answer: d. Relaxin
15. The important event of meiosis is the
crossing over. It occurs during
a. Leptotene
b. Pachytene
c. Diplotene
d. Zygotene
b. Pachytene
16. Reduction division is the process by which
gametes are produced. The cells which
reduction division take place are ________.
a. germinal epithelial cells
b. the sensory epithelial cells
c. cuboidal epithelial cells
d. columnbar epithelial cells
a. germinal epithelial cells
17. In Amoeba, the cell division takes place
a. involving change in the chromatin
b. without involving changes in the
chromatin reticulum
c. leading to reducing in the number
of chromosomes
d. without dividing the nucleus.
Answer: b. Without involving changes in the chromatin reticulum
18. Pick out the item which has sequential
a. Zygotene → Leptotene → Pachytene →
Diplotene → Diakinesis
b. Diakinesis → Zygotene → Leptotene →
pachytene → Diplotene
c. Leptotene → Zygotene → Pachytene →
Diplotene → Diakinesis
Answer: c. Leptotene → Zygotene → Pachytene →
Diplotene → Diakinesis
19. Polio is a viral disease and the affected
child suffers from physical disability limbs.
Which system of the mostly affected due to this infection?
a. Nervous system
b. Digestive system
c. Respiratory system
d. Excretory system
a. Nervous system
20. Blinking when a beam of light is suddenly
focused on the eyes and sudden withdrawal if hand upon touching a hot body are
some of the examples of reflex actions.
Which part of the central nervous system acts as the centre for these
a. Forebrain
b. Spinal cord
c. Hindbrain
d. Synapse
Answer: b. Spinal cord
21. The following are the parts of a neuron:
a. Axon
b. Terminal branches
. Cyton
The Correct pathway of a nerve impulse
through these parts are ________.
a. b a d c
b. d c a b
c. b d a c
d. a d b c
Answer: b. d c a b
22. For minor surgeries in the body, doctors
administer local anaesthesia to a part of the body so that the pain will not be
felt by the patient. At which part, do
you think, the nerve impulse is being arrested due to the effect of
a. at cyton
b. at axon
c. at synapse
d. in the middle of axon
c. At axon
23. Assertion (A) : All spinal nerves are mixed
Reason (R) : Each spinal nerves has a
sensory root and motor root.
a. Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’
explains ‘A’.
b. Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’
doesn’t explain ‘A’.
c. Only ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
d. ‘A’ is false but ‘R’is true.
Answer: a. Both ‘A’ and ‘ R’ are true and ‘R’