
UGC - NET Library and Information Science (MCQ) - 2

51.  ________ is a legal document and can be used as a source of industrial information.

A. Report

B. Law Review

C. Patent

D. Specification

Answer (D)

52. In Encyclopaedia Britianica, ___________ acts as an index to macropaedia.

A. Bibliography

B. Introduction Part

C. Propaedia

D. Micropaedia

Answer (D)

53. One of the book selection principles states that “the best reading for the largest number at the ……………Cost.”

A. maximum

B. medium

C. least

D. zero

Answer (C)

54. Payments for the books purchased can be made only after

A. accessioning

B. classification

C Cataloguing

D arrangement in the shelve

Answer (A)

55. The standard size of an accession register is ?

A.15” x 13”

B. 16 x 13”

C.12” x 5”

D. 5” x 3”

Answer (B)

56. ISBN stands for ________

A. Integrated Services Bibliographic Network

B. Indian Standard Book Number

C. International Standard Book Number

D. International Standard for Book and Non- book

Answer (C)

57. The three card system introduced by Ranganathan are

(i) Register Card

(ii) Check Card




C. Ledger Card

D. Classified Index Card

Answer (D)

58. Technical section performs mainly two functions namely classification and……….

A. accessioning

B. bills payment

C. cataloguing

D. shelving

Answer (C)

59. PRECIS was developed by Derek Austin for use in the ________





Answer (A)

60. Getting books back from the users and releasing the borrower’s ticket is known as

A. charging

B. holding

C. reserving

D. discharging

Answer (D)

61. While entering the library, the personal belongings of a reader is kept in ________

A. Cloak room

B. Property counter

C. Gate counter

D. Store room

Answer (B)

62. Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred to as 

A. Shelving

B. Stock verification

C. Shelf rectification

D. Shifting

Answer (C)

63. Outdated and seldom used books are withdrawn from the library is known as ___________              A. Shelving

B. Weeding

C. Circulating

D. Guiding

Answer (B)

64. The objective of library binding is ________of the library materials.

A. Proper organisation

B. accessibility.

C. durability

D. humidity control

Answer (C)

65. All part & pages of a volume are correctly sequenced in the first stage of binding process known as?

A. sewing

B. guard

C. pulling

D. collation

Answer (D)

66. Leather being used as one of the binding materials i.e., _________ is the strongest leather

A. Roan

B. Imitation

C. Pig skin

D. Sheep skin

Answer (D)

67. ________ has prescribed certain standards for library binding.


B. ALA .



Answer (B)

68. A skillful method of providing means mechanism and structural elements to.

streamline organizational work is known as _______

A. Strategic planning

B. Role analysis

C. Work culture

D. Autonomous planning

Answer (A)

69. Posting the right person at the right place is called

(A) Recruitment

(B) Coaching

(C) Deployment

(D) Induction

Answer : (D)

70. Principle of maximum aggregate benefit is concerned with________

(A) growth of library

(B) library use

(C) library service

(D) library fee

Answer : (C)

71.  ….. takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working data for allocation of funds.

(A) Method of details

(B) Per capita method

(C) Principle of economy

(D) Library budget

Answer : (D)

71. A budget which mainly covers items of current revenue and expenditure is called___.

(A) Programme budget

(B) Welfare economics

(C) Current budgeting

(D) Capital budgeting

Answer : (D)

72. _______ budgeting does not take into account what happened in the past but

emphasizes on current activities.

(A) formula

(B) performance

(C) programme

(D) zero-base

Answer : (B)

73. The library budget of a university is passed by the ?

(A) Senate

(B) Executive Council

(C) Academic Council

(D) Research Council

Answer : (B)

74. The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) belongs to ____________________

(A) Second Generation Computers

(B) Third Generation Computers

(C) Fourth Generation Computers

(D) Fifth Generation Computers

Answer: (D)

75.Computer memory is measured in ____________________

(A) Bytes

(B) Kilobytes

(C) Megabytes

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

76. The term "Cyberspace" was first used by _________________

(A) Andrew Pollock

(B) William Gibson

(C) John Postal

(D) Joe Flower

Answer: (B)

77. The term hypertext was coined by whom?

(A) Ted Nelson

(B) Vannevan Bush

(C) John Brown

(D) J. C. Kith

Answer: (A)

78. What are three types of basic languages used in computer programming?

(A) Zero, low and high levels



(D) Machine, Assembly and high level lannguages

Answer: (D)

79. When CD-ROM was prepared and made?

(A) 1985

(B) 1982

(C) 1980

(D) 1977

Answer: (A)

80. In how many ways switching system can be established?

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Five

(D) Seven

Answer: (B)

81. Which type of switching system is telephone network?

(A) Circuit switching

(B) Packet switching

(C) Message switching

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

82. Which of the following software is usful for word processing ?



(C) WordStar


Answer: (C)

83. NICNET and INDONET are the networks of which category?




(D) IN

Answer: (C)

84. Who designed analytical engine?

(A) Charles Babbage

(B) Pascal

(C) James watt

(D) Boyl

Answer: (A)

85. Calculating machine is developed by

(A) Charles Babbage

(B) Pascal

(C) Shakuntala Devi

(D) Boyl

Answer: (B)

86. What is a bug?

(A) Computer Virus

(B) Error in Computer Configuration

(C) Error in a Programme

(D) None of these

Answer: (C)

87. Which is not a programming language?





Answer: (D)

88. ENIAC stands for?

(A) Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

(B) Electrified Numerical Integration and Calculator

(C) Electronic Number Integrator and Calculator

(D) Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator

Answer: (A)

89. ISO-9960 is related with?

(A) Standard for encoding data on CD-ROM

(B) Standard for Computer Hardware

(C) Standard for Information Processing

(D) Standard for Networking

Answer: (A)

90. ASCII has how many codes?

(A) 256

(B) 526

(C) 265

(D) 254

Answer: (A)

91. Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganized facts is known as:

(A) Data

(B) Information

(C) Knowledge

(D) Wisdom

Answer: (A)

92. INTERNET was initially developed by US Department of

(A) Commerce

(B) Defense

(C) Interior

(D) State

Answer: B 

93. Information retrieval is fastest from

(A) Floppy Disk

(B) Magnetic Tape

(C) Hard Disk

(D) None of the above

Answer: C

94. An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru University

(B) Delhi University

(C) Mahatma Gandhi University

(D) University of Madras

Answer: B

95. In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used

(A) Budgeting

(B) Search Formulation

(C) Coordination

(D) Classified bibliography

Answer: B

96. The term “Hypertext” was coined by

(A) Garfield

(B) Bill Gates

(C) Ted Nelson

(D) Raj Reddy

Answer: (C)

97.  UNIX is a

(A) Single user operating system

(B) Double user operating system

(C) Triple user operating system

(D) Multi user operating system

Answer: (D)

98. In fund accounting, _______ fund can not be used for other purposes.

(A) Recurring

(B) Non-recurring

(C) Restricted

(D) Encumbering

Answer : (A)

99. Scrutiny of financial transactions is called

(A) Budgeting

(B) Programming

(C) Accounting

(D) Auditing

Answer : (D)

100. A good library building is an outcome of librarian and _________.

(A) Registrar 

(B) Building Corporation

(C) Finance Officer

(D) Architect

Answer : (D)

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