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TNPSC - Indian Constitution and Polity - Most Important Questions

Indian Constitution and Polity - Most Important Questions

1. Constitution of India was adopted by constituent assembly on?
a. 25 October, 1946
b. 26 October, 1946
c. 26 November, 1946
d. 26 January, 1950

Answer: d. 26 January, 1950

2. Who decides allotment of symbols to political parties?
a. Political Leader
b. Public
c. Central Government
d. Election Commission

Answer: Election Commission

3. Who is authorised to decide over a dispute regarding disqualification of a member of Parliament?
a. Speaker of Lok Sabha
b. Election Commission
c. President
d. Vice President and Prime Minister

Answer: c. President

4. What is the age of retirement of a Judge of a Supreme Court?
a. 65 Years
b. 62 Years
c. 58 Years
d. 61 Years

Answer: 65 Years

5. The Indian Constitution is regarded as
a. Federal
b. Parliament
c. Federal in Form and Unitary in Spirit
d. Unitary

Answer: Federal in Form and Unitary in Spirit

6. Setting a Supreme court was Calcutta is a part of?
a. Pitts India Act, 1784
b. Charter Act, 1893
c. Regulating Act, 1773
d. Charter Act, 1793

Answer: Regulating Act, 1773

7. The Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread their religion in India, under the Act of____
a. Pitts India Act, 1784
b. Charter Act, 1813
c. Regulating Act, 1773
d. Charter Act, 1793

Answer: Charter Act, 1813

8. The first statute for the Governance of India, under the direct rule of the British Governenment, was the____
a. Government of India Act, 1892
b. Government of India Act, 1858
c. Government of India Act, 1895
d. Government of India Act, 1914

Answer: Government of India Act, 1858

9. The Indian Constitution has borrowed the ideas of preamble from the___
a. Canadian Constitution
b. French Constitution
c. USSR Constitution
d. USA Constitution

Answer: USA Constitution

10. The Lok Sabha is also known as
a. Council of States
b. The Upper House
c. The House of the People
d. None of the above

Answer: The House of the People

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