1. Which Country Parliament became the First fully run in Solar Energy in the world?
a. India
b. USA
c. Pakistan
d. England
2. Which Article deals with the Fundamentals Duties?
a. Article 21 A
b. Article 51 A
c. Article 22
d. Article 22 A
3. Who has honoured with the BBC Sports Personality of 2015 award?
a. Andy Murray
b. Serina Willams
c. Nadal
d. None of the above
4. India's first disabled-friendly beach will come up in which State?
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Kerala
c. Karnataka
d. Gujarat
5. Where is located Elephanta Island in India
a. West Bengal
b. Andaman & Nicobar
c. Goa
d. Maharashtra
6. Who is the Newly President of Myanmar?
a. Htin Hyaw
b. Aung San Suu Kyi
c. Henry Van Thio
d. None of these above
7. Which Five Year Plan is based on Mahalanobis Model?
a. Third Five year plan
b. Second Five year plan
c. Eight Five year plan
d. Tenth Five year plan
8. Who is the Father of Indian Planning?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
c. M.K.Gandhi
d. M.Visvesvaraya
9.Which Five Year Plan is based on Harrod-Domer Model?
a. Third Five year plan
b. Second Five year plan
c. First Five year plan
d. Tenth Five year plan
10. Who has been appointed as New Australian High Commissioner to India?
a. Kim Yeadom
b. Willam Christy
c. Robert Singh
d. Harinder Sidhu
1. Pakistan
2. Article 51 A
3. Andy Murray
4. Gujarat
5. Maharashtra
6. Htin Hyaw
7. Second Five year plan
8. M.Visvesvaraya
9. First Five year plan
10. Harinder Sidhu