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TNPSC { Online Quiz } Important Questions and Answer of General Knowledge ( Group 1, Group 2, Group 4 and VAO Exam)

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Who was the author of Martandan Experiment?
    1.  Sir. Tyagi
    2.  Rajachellaiah
    3.  Dr.Spencer
    4.  F.L.Brayne

  2. The world Trade Organisation was established in which year?
    1.  1994
    2.  1948
    3.  1996
    4.  1995

  3. What is the expansion of GST?
    1.  Goods and Service Tax
    2.  General Services Tax
    3.  Goods Sales Tax
    4.  General Sales Tax

  4. Which programme is considered as a pioneer for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme?
    1.  Employment Guarantee Scheme, Gujarat
    2.  Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
    3.  Small Farmers Development Agency
    4.  Employment Guarantee Scheme, Maharashtra

  5. India's deepest port is located at ______?
    1.  Mumbai
    2.  Cochin
    3.  Chennai
    4.  Gangavaram

  6. Which part of Jammu and Kashmir is being claimed by China?
    1.  Baramullah
    2.  Aksai Chin
    3.  Rohtak
    4.  Leh

  7. The qualifications of the members of the Finance Commission of India is decided by the ____
    1.  Parliament
    2.  President
    3.  Prime Minister
    4.  Speaker

  8. Balwantra Mehta Committee was appointed by the Government of India on:
    1.  January 1955
    2.  January 1956
    3.  January 1958
    4.  January 1957

  9. The data collected with reference to time is classified as ____
    1.  Quantitative
    2.  Qualitative
    3.  Chronological
    4.  Geographical

  10. Vitamin tablets for human consumption is prepared from___
    1.  Nostoc
    2.  Ferns
    3.  Mushroom
    4.  Spirullina

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