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TNPSC - General English Original Questions and Answer Date of Exam: 26.07.2015 (Part - 2)

TNPSC - General English 
Date of Exam: 26.07.2015

                                Original Questions and Answer

16. Which figure of speech does the expression, "the hissing noise of the snake" contain?
a. logopoeia
b. anaphora
c. diaspora
d. onomatoepia

Answer: d. onomatoepia

17. 'The ship anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done' - The figure of speech used by Walt Whitman in these lines is ________
a. Oxymoron
b. Personification
c. Simile
d. Metaphor

Answer: d. Metaphor

18. 'Imaging if your precious nose were sandwiched in between your toes'
What does the word " Sandwiched' mean here?
a. become like a food item
b. trapped
c. replaced
d. pressed between two things

Answer: d. pressed between two things

19. Who do you think is these lines addressed to: you cannot rob us of the rights we cherish nor turn our thoughts away from the bright picture of a'women's mission' our hearts portray
a. an individual reader
b. the poet companion
c. society at large
d. a particular misogynist group

Answer: c. society at large

20. Which of the following line belong to H.W.Longfellow's "A Psalm of life"?
a. and you o my soul where you stand
b. all human roads ae dark and dry
c. your minstrel has no wreath to weave for you
d. art is long and time is fleeting

Answer: d. art is long and time is fleeting

21. Who told the following statement? "Tolerance is the highest result of education"
a. Dr.Abdul Kalam
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. Helen Keller
d. Subash Chandra Bose

Answer: c. Helen Keller

22. " To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; It is man's injustice to woman". Who said these words about Women?
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: d. Mahatma Gandhi

23." The story of My Experiment with Truth" is an autobiographyical work written by
a. Jawaharlal Nehru
b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. Mahatma Gandhi 

Answer: d. Mahatma Gandhi 

24. In Oscar Wild's 'The Selfish Giant' the spring season did not come to the giant's garden because
a. he built a huge wall around his garden
b he was very unkind to the spring season
c. he did not allow the children inside the garden
d. he liked winter season

Answer: c. he did not allow the children inside the garden

25. In Oscar Wilde's " The Model Millionaire" Hughie is humane and handsome but
a. ineffable
b. a man of no means
c. heartless
d. a paranoid

Answer: b. a man of no means

26. In Oscar Wilde's The Selfish Giant'. the giant's heart melted when he say
a. the spring season
b. the children playing in the garden
c. the children sining and dancing
d. a little child unable to climb a tree

Answer: d. a little child unable to climb a tree

27. In Oscar Wilde's " The Model Millionaire" what did Hughie do in Alan Trevor's absence?
a. hughie spoke to the beggar
b. hughie gave the beggar some money
c. hughie enjoyed a smoke
d. hughie was dreaming

Answer: b. hughie gave the beggar some money

28. " The happit of co-operation once requied will continue with you all your life" Which among the opetions best conveys the meaning of the above passage?
a. the author inisists on hard work
b. the author state the importance of team work
c. the author insists on friendship
d. the author reiterates the importance of good behavior

Answer: b. the author state the importance of team work

29. " No matter what happened.  i always insisted on their being theselves". What does the writed mean by this statement? Choose the right option from the following
a. the writer wants human beings to be day dreams
b. the writer wants human beings to be in their own world
c. the writer wants human beings to be calm
d. the writer wants human being to be individuals and not to imitate others.

Answer: d. the writer wants human being to be individuals and not to imitate others.

30. What is a refrain?
a. ther first line of poem that is repeated in all stanzas
b. the repetition of a line or lines within a poem, at given intervals
c. the first line and the last line are one and the same in the last stanza
d. the last top two lines of the first stanza and the last tow lines of the last stanza are one and the same.

Answer: b. the repetition of a line or lines within a poem, at given intervals

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