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Important Questions and Answer of All Competitive Exam (TNPSC, UPSC, SSC, TET, TRB)

1. Which Country that won FIFA World Cup Football - 2014?
Answer: Germany

2. NITI Ayog Stands for_____
Answer: National Institution for Transforming India

3. Which Vitamin Contains Cobalt?
Answer: Vitamin B12

4. Which state is called Food Basket of India and Grain Storage of India?
Answer: Punjab

5. When was Reserve Bank of India (RBI) nationalized?
Answer: 1st January, 1949

6. What is the percentage of India's Population to the world population?
Answer: 17.5%

7. Where is Ozone layer lies in _____
Answer: Stratosphere

8. Which city of China will host the 2022 Asian Games?
Answer: Hangzhou

9. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as ______?
Answer: Debugging

10. The fastest acting enzyme in the Biological kingdom is ____
Answer: Carbonic Anhydrase

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