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TNPSC - General Studies Important Questins and Answers

1. Now a days, Yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which among the following gases, is used in these lamps? 
a. Sodium 
b. Neon 
c. Hydrogen 
d. Nitrogen

Answer: Sodium 

2. Which one of the following minerals is found in Monazite Sand? 
a. Potassium 
b. Uranium 
c. Thorium 
d. Sodium 

Answer: Thorium 

3. Coronation of Shivaji took place in which year? 
a. 1627 
b. 1674
c. 1680
d. 1670 

Answer: 1674 

4. When was introduced the 'system of Dyarchy' ?
a. 1919
b. 1909 
c. 1945 
d. 1935 

Answer: 1919

4. The editor of Young India and Harijan was ____? 
a. Subhash Chandra Bose
b. Dr.Ambedkar 
c. Jawaharlal Nehru 
d. Mahatma Gandhi 

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi 

5. Who of the following attended all the three round table conferences (1930,1931 and 1932? 
a. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar 
b. M.M. Malviya 
c. Vallabh Bhai Patel 
d. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar. 

6. Which is the largest living bird on Earth? 
a. Emu 
b. Ostrich 
c. Albatross 
d. Siberian Crane

Answer: Ostrich 

7. Rihand Dam project provides irrigation to ____? 
a. Gujarat & Maharastra 
b. Odisha and West Bengal 
c. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 
d. Kerala and Karnataka 

Answer: Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 

8. The Headquarters of MCF (Master Control Facility) is 
a. Hyderabad 
b. Thumba 
c. Sri Harikota 
d. Hassan 

Answer: Hassan 

9. Which is the longest irrigation canal in India? 
a. Sir hind Canal 
b. Yamuna Canal 
c. Indira Gandhi Canal 
d. East Kosi Canal 

Answer: Indira Gandhi Canal 

10. Which plant is called ‘Herbal Indian Doctor” ? 
a. Amla 
b. Neem 
c. Tulsi 
d. Mango 

Answer: Amla 

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