1. Cells which are in a state of division are called?
Answer: Meristems
2. What is the site of respiration?
Answer: Mitochondria
3. The growth of pollen tube towards ovule is an example of ______?
Answer: Chemotropism
4. Xylem and phloem are example of _______ tissues
Answer: Complex
5. ________ is an angiosperm which has saprophytic mode of nutrition
Answer: Monotropa
6. Who was discovered Argon gas?
Answer:William Ramsay
7. Which form of phosphorus is used in safety metals?
Answer: Red Phosphorus
8. Heavy water is _____
Answer: Deuterium Oxide
9. The percentage of carbon is the least in____
Answer: Steel
10. What is the best conductor of electricity?
Answer: Silver
11. A super conductor is characterized by _____
Answer: Zero permeability
12. The group of metals Fe, Co, Ni may be best called as ______
Answer: Transition Metals
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