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TNPSC - 8th Standard Science Notes for All Exam ( Group 1, Group 2, Group 4 and VAO )

1. Production of less growth hormone leads to ______
Answer: Dwarfism

2. Osteoporosis is due to irregular level of ______
Answer: Calcium

3. Deficiency of thyroxine  harmone in children ______
Answer: Cretinism

4. The harmone produced during stress or emergency situations is ______
Answer: Adrenalin

5. The boys and girls attain at the age of ______ years
Answer: Boys: 14-15 / Girls: 11-12

6. Button mushroom refers to ______
Answer: Agaricus

7. Scalariform and Lateral conjugation occur in ______
Answer: Spirogyra

8. What is blue green algae?
Answer: Oscillatoria

9. The plant body of fungi contains _______
Answer: Hyphae

10. The centre part of root is called as _______
Answer: Pith

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