1. The Organelle having two sub units is ______
Answer: Ribosome
2. Formation of Retinal Pigment is the function of ______
Answer: Golgi
3. The blood is made up of _______
Answer: 55 %
4. Which one is Smallest of blood cells?
Answer: Platelets
5. The ______ become enlarged during cell division
Answer: Nucleolus
6. Where is formed in RBC (Red Blood Cell)?
Answer: Bone Marrow
7. How long days life of RBC?
Answer: 100-120 Days
8. Endoplasmic reticulum was discovered by_______
Answer: Porter
9. Our body is made of ______ water with dissolved substances
Answer: 70 %
10. What is smallest bone in human body
Answer: Stapes
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