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Important Science Notes of All Competitive Examination (TNPSC, UPSC, SSC,TET and RRB)

1. What is an exotic variety of honey bee?
Answer: Apis adasmson

2. Which insecticide is used to kill root-cutting insects?
Answer: Chloropyriphos

3. Silver revolution means the ______
Answer: Increase of Egg production

4. Culture of Prawns, Lobsters, Pearl oysters etc is called as ______
Answer: Aquaculture

5. Honey helps in building _______ of blood.
Answer: Hemoglobin Content

6. DDT Stands for______
Answer: Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro ethane

7. _______ is the preservation of Honey
Answer: Formic Acid

8. The gas usually filled in the electric bulb is ______
Answer: Nitrogen

9. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called ______
Answer: Deliquescence

10. The average salinity of sea water is ______
Answer: 3.5%, or 35 Parts Per Thousand.

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