1. Which one of the following is called a red planet?
a. Venus
b. Mercury
c. Mars
d. Jupiter
Answer: Mars
2. Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of ___
a. Lead and copper
b. Lead and antimony
c. Lead and bismuth
d. Lead and zinc
Answer: Lead and antimony
3. "Short-sight" in human eye can be corrected by using proper___
a. Convex lens
b. Concave lens
c. Cylindrical lens
d. Bifocal lens
Answer: Concave lens
4. Greenhouse effect is caused by ____
a. Nitrogen
b. Carbon Dioxide
c. Carbon Monoxide
d. Nitrogen Dioxide
Answer: Carbon Dioxide
5. Aluminium can be purified by ___
a. Oxidation
b. Distillation
c. Electrolysis
d. Hydrolysis
Answer: Electrolysis
6. The first Guinness Book of World Records appeared in the year____
a. 1950
b. 1954
c. 1960
d. 1963
Answer: 1954
7. The Atomic Energy Commission was constituted in ___
a. August 1948
b. October 1955
c. December 1962
d. September 1965
Answer: August 1948
8. Green Revolution in India has so far been most successful in case of ____
a. Sugarcane
b. Coarse grains
c. Wheat
d. Rice
Answer: Wheat
9. Which of the following is not in the infrastructure sector?
a. Power Generation
b. Construction of roads
c. Food Production
d. Expansion of airports
Answer: Food Production
10. Who was the first Speaker of Independent India's Lok Sabha?
a. Hukam Singh
b. Bali Ram Bhagat
c. Rabi Ray
d. G.V.Mavalankar
Answer: G.V.Mavalankar