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UGC-NET Library and Information Science Mock Test - 26

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various NET Exam and Prepared for Various State Government Librarian Exams. So CBSE-NET aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Asian Recorder"  is  published  from which place?

    1.  Kolkata

    2.  Chennai

    3.  New Delhi

    4.  Mumbai

  2. What is contained in part 2 of New Encyclopaedia Britannica?

    1.  Contemporary  references

    2.  Abstract

    3.  Index

    4.  Knowledge  in  Depth

  3. MEDLAR online database is known as?

    1.  MEDLINE

    2.  MEDLIFE

    3.  MEDLINK

    4.  MEDSCI

  4. 'Facts on file' is published from which place?

    1.  Washington

    2.  Oxford

    3.  Moscow

    4.  New  York

  5. What is a Thesaurus?

    1.  Directory

    2.  Index

    3.  Abstract

    4.  A treasure of words

  6. Who introduced "Books  in Print Plus"  in CD/ ROM format?

    1.  The World Press

    2.  Bowker

    3.  Oxford Press

    4.  John Wiley

  7. Process of establishing contact between a reader and document in a personal way is known as?

    1.  Reference service

    2.  Indexin g service

    3.  SDI  service

    4.  CAS service

  8. Where is 'European Translation Center' situated?

    1.  Delhi

    2.  Mumbai

    3.  London

    4.  Delft

  9. In "stencil duplicating process" cyclostyling is also known as?

    1.  Duplicating

    2.  Carbon  copying

    3.  Mimenographing

    4.  Typewriting

  10. Name the book available for Abstracting Service in Science?

    1.  Social Science Abstract

    2.  Psychology  Abstract

    3.  Economic abstract

    4.  Guide to world abstracting and indexing services in Science

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