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UGC-NET Library and Information Science Mock Test - 23

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various NET Exam and Prepared for Various State Government Librarian Exams. So CBSE-NET aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. NPAC stands for?

    1.  National Programme for Acquisitions and Categories

    2.  National Program on Acquisitions and Cataloguing

    3.  National Programme for Acquisitions and  Cataloguing

    4.  National Program on Acquisitions and Classification

  2. E.C. Richardson defines notation as?

    1.  "A detailed symbol

    2.  "A sort listed symbol"

    3.  "A brief sign"

    4.  "A shorthand sign"

  3. Melvil Dewey uses____ notation in his classification scheme.?

    1.  Decimal fraction numbers

    2.  Roman capital letters

    3.  Special symbols

    4.  Roman small letters

  4. As per UDC classification number of mathematics?

    1.  53

    2.  54

    3.  31

    4.  51

  5. Which one of the following devices is not used to increase the capacity of notation system in array?

    1.  Decimal fraction device

    2.  Octave device

    3.  Sector device

    4.  Alphabetical device

  6. First International Conference on Bibliography held at___?

    1.  Paris

    2.  Brussels

    3.  Geneva

    4.  Berlin

  7. Classified Catalogue Code was published in the year?

    1.  1934

    2.  1914

    3.  1933

    4.  1914

  8. EPROM is types of?

    1.  Static RAM

    2.  Dynamic RAM

    3.  Input Devices

    4.  ROM

  9. Who was the propounder of Polychotomy?

    1.  Derek Austin

    2.  D.J. Foskett

    3.  C.A. Cutter

    4.  Tom Children

  10. Which library first introduced the printed catalogue?

    1.  Lennin's State

    2.  Imperial Library

    3.  Library of Congress

    4.  British Museum

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