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{ Online Quiz } 10th Standard Social Science Important Questions and Answer

In this Quiz covered for important questions from SSLC Social Science Books. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. The first world war came to an end by the___?
    1.  Rome Peace Conference
    2.  London Peace Conference
    3.  Paris Peace Conference
    4.  Berlin Peace Conference

  2. When was started First World war ?
    1.  1915
    2.  1916
    3.  1913
    4.  1914

  3. The League of Nations was Officially founded on?
    1.  January 20, 1920
    2.  March 20, 1920
    3.  December 20. 1920
    4.  April 20, 1920

  4. The famous American merchant ship sunk by Germany____?
    1.  Royal
    2.  Victoria
    3.  Luftwaffe
    4.  Lusitania

  5. The Name of the policy of Lord Dalhousie?
    1.  Productive Trade policy
    2.  Me Too Policy
    3.  Open Door Policy
    4.  The Doctrine of Lapse

  6. In 1912, the Balkan countries declared a war on_____?
    1.  Italy
    2.  Turkey
    3.  Iraq
    4.  France

  7. Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary signed a secret alliance called in ______?
    1.  Triple  Alliance
    2.  Treaty of Peking
    3.  Subsidiary Alliance
    4.  Triple Entente

  8. The Triple Entente was signed in the year of ?
    1.  1882
    2.  1845
    3.  1914
    4.  1907

  9. The Secrete Alliance signed by France, Britain and Russia was called____?
    1.  Triple  Alliance
    2.  Subsidiary Alliance
    3.  Triple Entente
    4.  Treaty of Peking

  10. Kaiser William II was the king of ?
    1.  England
    2.  Russia
    3.  Austria
    4.  German

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