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{ Online Quiz } 10th Standard Social Science - Important Questions for TNPSC exam

In this Quiz covered for important questions from SSLC Social Science Books. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. By-party System is practiced in___?
    1.  France
    2.  Russia
    3.  USA
    4.  India

  2. The Term 'Democracy' was coined by___?
    1.  Prof. Seeley
    2.  Abraham Lincoln
    3.  Jawaharlal Nehru
    4.  Herodotus

  3. The Election Commissioner of India consists of ___ members?
    1.  3
    2.  1
    3.  2
    4.  5

  4. Franchise  means___ ?
    1.  Right to ignore
    2.  Right to reject
    3.  Right to recall
    4.  Right to vote

  5. The members of Rajya Sabha are elected through?
    1.  Direct Election
    2.  Nomination
    3.  Selection
    4.  Indirect Election

  6. Recognised official languages of India?
    1.  23
    2.  22
    3.  18
    4.  24

  7. Zoroastrianism was brought India by___?
    1.  Persians
    2.  British
    3.  Muslims
    4.  Portuguese

  8. The National language of India is___?
    1.  English
    2.  Tamil
    3.  Telugu
    4.  Hindi

  9. Ajantha and Ellora are world famous for___?
    1.  Dance
    2.  Music
    3.  Paintings
    4.  Religion

  10. The Consumer  Day is celebrated on___?
    1.  March 5
    2.  March 10
    3.  March 14
    4.  March 15

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