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{ Online Quiz } Important Questions of Indian Polity

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various TNPSC Exams. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Panchayats at the intermediate level may not be constituted in a state, having a population less than ?
    1.  Ten Lakhs
    2.  Fifteen Lakhs
    3.  Twenty Lakhs
    4.  Twenty five Lakhs

  2. Who among the following is the Chairman of the Steering Committee to oversee the functions of the National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention?
    1.  The President
    2.  The Prime Minister
    3.  The National Security Adviser
    4.  The Cabinet Secretary

  3. Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by the Lok Sabha for a maximum period of?
    1.  Fourteen days
    2.  One month
    3.  One year
    4.  Seven days

  4. Who among the following has not been a Chief Justice of India?
    1.  V. N. Khare
    2.  G. B. Pattanaik
    3.  R. C. Lahoti
    4.  S. S. Gill

  5. Who presides over the meetings of the Lok Sabha?
    1.  President
    2.  Prime Minister
    3.  Vice President
    4.  Speaker

  6. What is the minimum age laid down for a candidate to seek election to the Lok Sabha?
    1.  18 years
    2.  25 years
    3.  35 years
    4.  30 years

  7. Which are the two states (other than UP) having the highest representation in Lok Sabha?
    1.  Bihar and Maharashtra
    2.  Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
    3.  Bihar and Madhya Pradesh
    4.  None of the above

  8. Who is known as the First Law Officer of India?
    1.  Law Secretary
    2.  Chief Justice of India
    3.  Law Minister of India
    4.  Attorney General of India

  9. Who will decide the office of profit?
    1.  Union Public Service Commission
    2.  Union Parliament
    3.  President and Governor
    4.  Supreme Court

  10. The first day session of the Indian Constituent Assembly was chaired by?
    1.  Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    2.  Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
    3.  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
    4.  Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha

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