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General Studies for All Competitive Examination

1. The Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in___
(A) 1953 
(B) 1950 
(C) 1951 
(D) 1952 

2. Which committee recommended tax on Agriculture Holdings ?
(A) Bhootlingam Committee 
(B) Wanchoo Committee
(C) Raj Committee 
(D) None of these 

3. The Present Service Tax rate is___
(A) 10% 
(B) 12%
(C) 11..35% 
(D) 12.36% 

4. The cause of deflation is___
(A) Lack of goods and services as compared to money supply
(B) Lack of imports as compared to exports
(C) Lack of money supply as compared to supply of goods and services 
(D) None of these

5. SEBI was established in____
(A) 1993 
(B) 1992
(C) 1988 
(D) 1990

6. The working of SEBI includes___
(A) To regulate the dealings of share market
(B) To check the foul dealings in share market
(C) To control the inside trading of shares
(D) All of these 

7. The ‘Ad hoc Treasury Bill System’ of meeting budget deficit in India was replaced by ‘Ways and Means Advances System’ which has come into force on:
(A) March 31, 1997 
(B) April 1, 1996
(C) April 1, 1997 
(D) None of these

8. Which is the first Export Processing Zone declared as Free Trade Zone in India ?
(A) Kandla 
(B) Noida
(C) Santacruz 
(D) Falta

9. TRAI has abolished ADC (Access Deficit Charge) on all types of calls___
(A) April 1, 2008
(B) April 30, 2008
(C) August 30, 2008
(D) October 30, 2008 

10. Central Issue price of foodgrains under TPDS includes price for BPL and APL. What is the difference between the two ?
(A) Price for APL is double of BPL price 
(B) Price for BPL is one-third of APL price
(C) Difference of Rs. 500 per Qt.
(D) Difference of Rs. 250 per Qt.

11. A proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends.
(A) All Fundamental rights 
(B) Right to Freedom 
(C) Right to Constitutional Remedies 
(D) No Fundamental right 

12. The Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India was___
(A) Added by the 24th Amendment 
(B) Added by the 7th Amendment 
(C) Added by the 1st Amendment 
(D) Added by the 42nd Amendment 

13. What growth target government has estimated for the domestic crude production for the 11th Plan (2007–12) ?
(A) 42% 
(B) 33%
(C) 29% 
(D) 26% 

14. Rural women can avail the benefit of Mahila Samriddhi Yojana if they open their account in____
(A) Rural Post Offices 
(B) Commercial Banks
(C) Rural Development Bank 
(D) Any of the above

15. As per the third advanced estimates of Agricultural Production for the year 2008-09 released by the Ministry of Agriculture, total food grain’s production has been estimated at___
(A) 240·78 million tonne 
(B) 230·78 million tonne
(C) 227·88 million tonne 
(D) 229·85 million tonne 

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