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Assistant Civil Engineer Post in TNPSC - Mock Test - 1

TNPSC (Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission) will conducted the exam on 06.09.2015 for the post of Assistant Engineer in Civil Engineering. Now i start to publishing Mock test for Civil Engineering Post. In these collection most important question for asked civil engineering examination. So test your Knowledge get your Job. All the best. Try and Try again then you will reach your goal.

  1. If the plotted position of an instrument station is not known, the most accurate orientation of the plane table can be achieved by?
    1.  a trough compass
    2.  backsighting
    3.  observations of three well defined points
    4.  observations of two well defined points

  2. Combined footing means?
    1.  for individual columns
    2.  for eccentric footing and concentric footing of two columns
    3.  for two or more columns in a row
    4.  for two or more than two columns 

  3. Dado is usually provided in?
    1.  Bathrooms
    2.  Verandah
    3.  dining halls
    4.  Living room

  4. A wall constructed with stones to protect slopes of cutting in natural ground from the action of weathering agent,  is called?
    1.  retaining wall
    2.  buttress wall
    3.  parapet wall
    4.  breast wall

  5. Cavity wall is generally provided for
    1.  Heat insulation
    2.  Sound insulation
    3.  prevention of dampness
    4.  all of these

  6. A temporary rigid structure having platforms to enable masons to work at different stages of a building is known as?
    1.  Dead shore
    2.  Scaffolding
    3.  Raking shore
    4.  Underpinning

  7. Bitumen is generally obtained from?
    1.  Organic material
    2.  Synthetic material
    3.  Petroleum product
    4.  Coal

  8. M15 grade of concrete corresponds approximately to?
    1.  1 : 4 : 8
    2.  1 : 3 : 6 
    3.  1 : 1 : 2
    4. 1 : 2 : 4

  9. Specific gravity cement test matched for?
    1.  Nurse and Blaine
    2.  Vicat
    3.  Lea and Nurse
    4.  None of the above

  10. For high strength concrete the best aggregate is?
    1.  Rounded
    2.  Irregular
    3.  All-in-aggregate
    4.  Angular

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