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Important Question of CSIR NET Chemsitry

1. Which of the metal is highly used by the man

  1. Al

  2. Cu

  3. Fe

  4. None of the above

Answer: (3)

2. Cooking is fast in a pressure cooker, because

  1. food is cooked at constant volume.

  2. loss of heat due to radiation is minimum.

  3. food particles are effectively smashed.

  4. water boils at higher temperature inside the pressure cooker.

Answer: (4)

3. Which of the metal is used in vulcanization of rubber

  1. Si

  2. S

  3. Fe

  4. C

Answer: (2)

4. Denatured alcohol is

  1.  Rectified spirit

  2. Undistilled ethanol

  3. Rectified spirit + methanol + naphtha

  4. Ethanol + methanol

Answer: (3)

5. Dalda is prepared from oils by

  1. oxidation

  2. reduction

  3. hydrolysis

  4. all of the above

Answer: (2)

6. Which of the following is present in significant quantity in soft drinks like colas

  1. Nicotine

  2. Caffeine

  3. Tannin

  4. Renin

Answer: (2)

 7. During the adsorption of krypton on activated charcoal at low temperature......

  1.  DH < 0 and DS < 0

  2.  DH > 0 and DS < 0

  3.  DH < 0 and DS > 0

  4.  DH > 0 and DS > 0

Answer: (1)

8. The chemical "styrene" is used for the production of

  1. pharmaceuticals

  2. dyes

  3. plastics

  4. insecticides

Answer: (3)

9. Decomposition of benzene diozonium chloride by using Cu2Cl2/HCl to form chlorobenzene is

  1.  Cannizarro’s reaction

  2.  Kolbe’s reaction

  3.  Sandmeyer’s reaction

  4. Raschig’s reaction

Answer: (3)

10. Which of the following is the shape of methane molecule

  1. octahedral

  2. trigonal

  3. tetrahedral

  4. square planar

Answer: (3)

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